Search top local service providers and see their offerings in detail.
Select your preferred date and time for your booking.
Complete your booking in few clicks. You'll receive a reminder when your appointment is due.
Book services when it's the most convenient time for you, be it a day or night. Do it when you are on the go, commuting, on your lunch break at work or resting in front of a TV at home.
Scheduling appointments is super easy wherever you are thanks to Planfy mobile apps and website - it only takes few seconds.
One Planfy account allows you to book many types of services. Whether you want to schedule an appointment or a consultation with your beauty salon, doctor, solicitor, driving instructor or even an interior decorator, you can do it all via Planfy platform in a matter of seconds.
Add the businesses you like to your favourites list for even faster booking experience in the future. Planfy is a GO TO platform for all your service booking needs.
You always have a clear view of your upcoming bookings with our beautiful calendar. All your new appointments automatically appear in the calendar. You can even use it to manage your time more efficiently i.e. plan your day.
Are you a big fan of Google Calendar? If so, Planfy seamlessly integrates with it so your bookings and appointments are automatically synced across all your devices.
Never miss any appointments thanks to our reminders system that let's you stay notified about any due appointments.
Planfy messaging allows you to communicate with businesses both prior and post booking.
If you have a question regarding a service or would like to receive an introductory quote from a business? Send a quick message, complement it with a picture or a document if you like and service providers will promptly answer your queries.